Monday, July 26, 2010

A great day in York...

...No, not York Pennsylvania, but York, England. The Brits had the day off while the American kids, coaches and chaperones boarded an early bus north to York to see an amazing city filled with many sites of years gone by. We began with a walking tour of the walled city, followed by the guided, gruesome tour of York dungeon where the kids were scared out of their wits while learning about the dark side of the medieval England. It was followed by the various groups picnicking on the garden grounds and then having some free time for shopping and sightseeing. Highlights of purchases? The boys had a great time buying, among other things, a ukelele, a sword (which will be checked in baggage on the way home!), a sugar pig, teas, and gifts. The girls came back with packages filled with lots of, well, clothing. (This blogger happened to find a red purse to go with all of my black clothing...shocker.) The kids all had quite a fun time walking the streets and browsing the shops. The bus ride home was filled with chatter about the great day, and it was fun to see all of the new friendships blossoming. the children went home with lots of fun sleepovers and other fun plans with the host families, while the adults enjoyed an amazing Pimm's Party -- a wonderful English tradition that continues the enormous hospitality we have all been receiving since we've been here.

Tomorrow will be a late start following a welcomed lazy morning with the host families, followed by matches with WACS (ironically pronounced WAX) for the boys and a surprise match and warmup for the girls. More later.

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